
Monday, October 26, 2009

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve
Definition: Adam was the first human creature. The Hebrew term ’a·dham′ is also properly translated “man,” “earthling man,” and “mankind.” Eve, the first woman, was Adam’s wife.
Were Adam and Eve merely allegorical (fictional) persons?
Is it unreasonable to believe that all of us descended from the same original parents?
“Science now corroborates what most great religions have long been preaching: Human beings of all races are . . . descended from the same first man.”—Heredity in Humans (Philadelphia and New York, 1972), Amram Scheinfeld
“The Bible story of Adam and Eve, father and mother of the whole human race, told centuries ago the same truth that science has shown today: that all the peoples of the earth are a single family and have a common origin.”—The Races of Mankind (New York, 1978), Ruth Benedict and Gene Weltfish
Acts 17:26: “[God] made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth.”

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