
Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The Bible, of course, makes no direct comments on modern-day assisted reproductive procedures. It does, however, enable us to know God’s view on certain key issues. And knowing the answers to two basic questions can guide true Christians in making decisions that are pleasing to God.

When does human life begin? The Bible indicates that life begins at conception. Note the words of the psalmist David, who was inspired to say of God: “Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing.” (Psalm 139:16) Consider also Exodus 21:22, 23, where the original-language text indicates that a person would be held accountable for injury to an unborn child. The lesson to be learned is that our Creator views life as precious, even during the very early stages of development in the womb. In God’s eyes the willful destruction of an embryo would be viewed as abortion.%

Are there any restrictions as to how one’s reproductive powers may be used? God’s view can be found at Leviticus 18:20, which says: “You must not give your emission as semen to the wife of your associate to become unclean by it.” The underlying principle in that Scriptural decree is this: A man’s semen should not be used to inseminate anyone other than his wife, and a woman should not bear a child for someone other than her own husband. In other words, the reproductive powers are not to be used for someone other than one’s marriage mate. True Christians, therefore, avoid surrogate motherhood as well as any procedures that involve the use of donated sperm, eggs, or embryos.^

When making a decision involving assisted reproduction, true Christians must weigh carefully what the Bible reveals about God’s thinking.** After all, he is the Originator of marriage and family life.—Ephesians 3:14, 15.


% See the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: When Does Human Life Begin?” in the October 8, 1990, issue of Awake!

^ See the articles “The Bible’s Viewpoint: Surrogate Motherhood—Is It for Christians?” in the March 8, 1993, issue of Awake! and “What Is the Bible’s View?—Is Artificial Insemination Acceptable to God?” in the August 8, 1974, issue.

** For a discussion of in vitro fertilization where the sperm comes from the husband and the egg cell from his wife, see “Questions From Readers,” in The Watchtower of June 1, 1981.

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