
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

everlasting life

For those who gain everlasting life in the near future

So what will you do with your spare time?

Here is another calculation that will help you appreciate that you will never lack for anything to do:

1 Billion seconds is approximately equal to 32 years. Therefore, if you could travel instantaneously to every star in the galaxy one by one, one star per second, then you would visit 1 billion stars in 32 years.
Now, there are 100 billion stars in our galaxy, so that mean to visit every star in our galaxy (one per second) would take 3 thousand, 200 years. (3,200yrs)

But here are an estimated 100 billion galaxies of 100 billion stars each, so to visit every star in the universe would take 3,200 years per galaxy X 100 billion galaxies, so that the time taken to visit each star in the universe at one per second would take you; 320 TRILLION YEARS | 320,000,000,000,000 years!!!

That is just in case you had nothing else to do. And if you paused even for one additional second at each star, then the time would double: 640 trillion (640,000,000,000,000) years.
(The above was done using round figures, you and calculate it more precisely if you want. It is more like 317,100,000,000,000 years, but what is 3 trillion or so years between friends?)

Here is one more: There are about 6 billion people on Earth today. Let's work with just that figure. If you consider that you could get to know 10 people per year really well, say working with them 8 hrs a day, socializing with them 3, 4 hrs a day, going on vacation with them, etc., then it would take you 600,000,000 years to get to really know 6,000,000,000 people.

And even if you got to know 60 people per year, you still must take 100 million years to get to know that many people.
So what will you do with your spare time?

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