
Saturday, December 26, 2009

He is still using it.

A story says that the Devil once announced that he was going out of business and would offer all tools for sale to whoever would pay the price.
On the night of the sale, the tools were all attractively displayed, and a bad looking lot they were - malice, hatred, envy, jealousy, sensuality, deceit. Each marked with its price. Apart from the rest lay a harmless looking, wedge-shaped tool, much worn and priced higher than any of them. Someone asked the Devil what it was.
'That's discouragement', was the reply.
'Why is it priced so high?'
'Because' returned the Devil, 'it is more useful to me than any of the others. I can pry open and get inside a man's consciousness with that, when I never could get near him with any of the others, and once inside, I can use him whatever way suits me best.
It is so worn because I use it with nearly everybody,
as very few people yet know that it belongs to me.
Perhaps it is not necessary to add that the Devil's price for this tool was so high that there were no bidders.
He is still using it.

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