
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Commentators have noted that nationalism

Commentators have noted that nationalism, in effect, is a religion. Hence,
people who are nationalistic are really worshipping that portion of the wild
beast represented by the country in which they live. Regarding nationalism
in the United States, we read: "Nationalism, viewed as a religion, has much
in common with other great religious systems of the past .
. On his own
national god the modern religious nationalist is conscious of dependence. Of
His powerful help he feels the need. In Him he recognises the source of his
own perfection and happiness. To Him, in a strictly religious sense, he
subjects himself. . . . The nation is conceived of as eternal, and the
deaths of her loyal sons do but add to her undying fame and glory."-Carlton
J. F. Hayes, as quoted on page 359 of the book What Americans Believe and
How They Worship, by J. Paul Williams.

How is this relationship between Satan and the nations maintained? When
Satan tempted Jesus, he showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a vision
and offered "all this authority and the glory of them." But there was a
condition-Jesus first had to perform an act of worship before Satan. (Luke
4:5-7) Can we imagine that the governments of the world receive their
authority at a lesser price? Not at all. According to the Bible, Satan is
the god of this system of things, so that, whether the nations are aware of it or not, they serve him. (2 Corinthians 4:3, 4)
This situation is revealed in the makeup of the present world system, which is built on narrow nationalism, hatred, and self-interest. It is organized the way Satan wants it-to keep mankind under his control. The corruption in government, the lust for power, the lying diplomacy, the armaments race-these reflect Satan's debased personality. The world subscribes to Satan's unrighteous standards, thus making him its god. The throne of the wild beast will be overthrown when that beast suffers extinction and the Seed of God's woman finally abysses Satan himself.-Genesis 3:15; Revelation 19:20, 21; 20:1-3.

Today, nationalism is one of the strongest forces motivating these ten
(ten horns are all goverments on earth) They have "one thought" in
that they want to preserve their national sovereignty rather than accept God's Kingdom.
This was their purpose in subscribing to the League of Nations and the United Nations organization in the first place-to preserve world peace and thus safeguard their own existence. Such an attitude ensures that the horns will oppose the Lamb, the "Lord of lords and King of kings," because Jehovah has purposed that his Kingdom under Jesus Christ will shortly replace all these kingdoms.-Daniel 7:13, 14; Matthew 24:30; 25:31-33, 46

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