
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Selfish Commercial Traffickers

Selfish Commercial Traffickers

Closely allied to political leaders, there came into view dishonest traffickers in material goods. Records unearthed in the ruins of ancient Babylon show that business transactions exploiting the unfortunate circumstances of fellow humans were very much in vogue back there. The world’s merchants have continued to work for selfish profit down to this present day, when in many lands a few have become very rich while the majority of the population languishes in poverty. In this industrial age, the merchants and manufacturers have made great gain by supplying the political powers with stockpiles of devilish military weapons of destruction, including the weapons of mass destruction that are now a great cause for concern. Such greedy business magnates and others of their kind must be included with the “military commanders” and “strong men” as belonging to Satan’s wicked seed. They are all part of the earthly organization that God and Christ judge as deserving of execution.—Revelation 19:18.

To corrupt politics and greedy commercialism there must be added a third element of human society that merits God’s adverse judgment. What is that? You may be surprised by what Revelation says about this well-known global structure.

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