
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pro. 2:7 Prov. 2:7.

Jueves 15 de abril
Para los que andan en integridad [Jehová] es un escudo (Pro. 2:7).
Jehová nos da la libertad de decidir si queremos o no llevar una vida de integridad. Afortunadamente, quienes decidimos hacerlo podemos contar con su ayuda. Así es, Jehová nos enseña a serle fieles y nos da generosamente su espíritu santo para que podamos poner en práctica lo que aprendemos (Luc. 11:13). Además, protege espiritualmente a todos los que nos esforzamos por andar en el camino de la integridad. ¿Qué ha hecho Jehová para enseñarnos a ser personas íntegras? Principalmente, enviar a su Hijo a la Tierra. Jesús obedeció a su Padre celestial a la perfección; “se hizo obediente hasta la muerte” (Fili. 2:8). Aun en momentos de gran tensión, Jesús le dijo a su Padre: “Que no se efectúe mi voluntad, sino la tuya” (Luc. 22:42). Cada uno de nosotros debe preguntarse: “¿Tengo yo esa misma actitud?”. Si queremos ser íntegros, debemos obedecer a Dios de buena gana.

Thursday, April 15
For those walking in integrity [Jehovah] is a shield.—Prov. 2:7.
Jehovah dignifies us with the privilege of deciding whether we will be people of integrity. Happily, though, he does not simply leave us on our own in the matter. He teaches us how to build this precious quality, and he gives us generously of his holy spirit, which helps us apply his teachings. (Luke 11:13) He even provides spiritual protection for those who endeavor to walk in integrity. How has Jehovah taught us to be integrity keepers? Above all, by sending his Son, Jesus, to the earth. Jesus lived a course of perfect obedience. He “became obedient as far as death.” (Phil. 2:8) In everything that he did, Jesus obeyed his heavenly Father, even when it was extremely difficult. “Let, not my will, but yours take place,” he said to Jehovah. (Luke 22:42) Each of us does well to ask himself, ‘Do I have a similarly obedient spirit?’ By pursuing a course of obedience with the right motive, we will be integrity keepers.

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