
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sal. 16:8 Ps. 16:8

Sábado 22 de mayo
Porque [Jehová] está a mi diestra, no se me hará tambalear (Sal. 16:8).
A muchos les resulta inconcebible que el Creador de nuestro infinito universo permita que, espiritualmente hablando, los seres humanos caminemos con él; sin embargo, eso es justo lo que quiere que hagamos. En los tiempos bíblicos, Enoc y Noé anduvieron con Dios (Gén. 5:24; 6:9). Moisés “continuó constante como si viera a Aquel que es invisible” (Heb. 11:27). El rey David caminó con humildad junto a su Padre celestial. Es obvio que no podemos caminar de la mano de Jehová de manera literal, pero sí en sentido figurado. ¿Cómo? El salmista Asaf escribe: “Constantemente estoy contigo; tú me has asido de la mano derecha. Con tu consejo me guiarás” (Sal. 73:23, 24). Dicho de otro modo, andamos con Jehová cuando seguimos fielmente sus consejos, que recibimos mediante su Palabra escrita y “el esclavo fiel y discreto” (Mat. 24:45; 2 Tim. 3:16).

Saturday, May 22
Because [Jehovah] is at my right hand, I shall not be made to totter.—Ps. 16:8.
To many, it is inconceivable that the Creator of our vast universe allows humans to walk with him in a spiritual sense. Yet, that is exactly what Jehovah wants us to do. In Bible times, Enoch and Noah ‘walked with God.’ (Gen. 5:24; 6:9) Moses “continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible.” (Heb. 11:27) King David found himself humbly walking alongside his heavenly Father. Of course, we cannot literally take Jehovah by the hand and walk with him. But we can do so in a figurative sense. How? The psalmist Asaph writes: “I am constantly with you; you have taken hold of my right hand. With your counsel you will lead me.” (Ps. 73:23, 24) Simply put, we walk with Jehovah when we closely follow his counsel, which we receive primarily through his written Word and through “the faithful and discreet slave.”—Matt. 24:45; 2 Tim. 3:16. 

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