
Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Exotic Bird

The Exotic Bird
A woman is looking for an exotic bird, but all of them cost in the vicinity of $3000-$5000.00. Finally she finds a beautiful parrot for $500.00. She asks the owner why the bird is so inexpensive. He says that the bird was owned by one of Jehovah's Witnesses and it just won't stop preaching. The lady says,"I'm a good Baptist and I think I can convert him." 
After about two months of constant statements such as: "It's time for the Book Study" "Daily Text Time" "Time for Field Service" The woman one day got very upset, grabbed the bird and threw him against a wall. Immediately she felt sorry for what she had done. She went over to pick him up, he was in bad shape. He looked up at her, slowly opened one eye and said: "NO BLOOD! NO BLOOD!" 
After he healed, he continued with his constant preaching. The lady went back to the previous owner and asked if there was anything she could do short of throwing him up against a wall. The owner told her she should enclose him in a cardboard box. This would trick him into thinking it was time to sleep and he would shut up. 
So the next time he started with, "Have you read the Watchtower today?" She stuffed him in a large cardboard box. He became very quiet for about 30 minutes then he said, "Evening witnessing, Evening witnessing". The woman was so exasperated she picked up the box and shook it violently. Immediately she heard a loud scream from the bird: "ARMAGEDDON! ARMAGEDDON!"

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