
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If Jesus had been shot ?

If Jesus had been shot, Would people have a gun round their neck instead of a cross? A instrument of torture should be shunned!

In fact, even to cherish the instrument on which Christ died does not make sense; it is utterly incongruous. Rather than being venerated it should be loathed and abhorred. Who would think of kissing the revolver that had been used by a murderer to kill one’s loved one? It is just as senseless to bestow affection on the instrument on which Jesus met a cruel death.

If you have questions on the Bible feel free to ask.
A. Jesus hanged on an execution stake as a reproach
Jesus was hanged on an execution stake or tree. Ac 5:30; 10:39; Ga 3:13
Christians must bear stake as reproach. Mt 10:38; Lu 9:23

B. Should not be worshiped
Displaying Jesus’ stake a reproach. Heb 6:6; Mt 27:41, 42
Use of cross in worship is idolatry. Ex 20:4, 5; Jer 10:3-5
Jesus a spirit, not still on stake. 1Ti 3:16; 1Pe 3:18

 Bible on line  more on cross

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