
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

“You Will Act in Loyalty”


2 SAMUEL 22:26

FEW things can hurt us more deeply than being let down or betrayed by someone we trust. Such disappointments are all too common in this disloyal world. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Is there anyone we can count on to remain completely loyal to us? Let us consider the testimony of King David of ancient Israel.

During his lifetime, David experienced disloyalty at its worst. He was wrongly outlawed and persecuted by jealous Saul, Israel’s first king. Closer to home, Michal, David’s wife, did not remain loyal to her husband but, rather, “began to despise him in her heart.” (2 Samuel 6:16) Ahithophel, David’s trusted counselor, turned traitor and joined in a rebellion against David. The leader of this conspiracy? Why, none other than Absalom, David’s own son! Faced with such repeated betrayal of trust, did David give up and conclude that there is no one who is unbreakably loyal?

We find the answer in the words of David recorded at 2 Samuel 22:26. A man of unshakable faith, David in poetic song says of Jehovah God: “With someone loyal you will act in loyalty.” David was confident that no matter how other humans might disappoint him, Jehovah would remain loyal to him.

Let us take a closer look at David’s words. The Hebrew term translated “act in loyalty” may also be rendered “act in loving-kindness.” True loyalty is rooted in love. Jehovah lovingly attaches himself to those who are loyal to him.

Note, too, that loyalty is more than just a feeling; it is active, not passive. Jehovah acts in loyalty, as David learned firsthand. During the darkest periods of David’s life, Jehovah acted in his behalf, loyally protecting and guiding the faithful king. A grateful David credited Jehovah with delivering him “out of the palm of all his enemies.”—2 Samuel 22:1.

What do David’s words mean for us? Jehovah does not waver or change. (James 1:17) He remains true to his standards and is ever faithful to his word of promise. In another of his psalms, David wrote: “Jehovah . . . will not leave his loyal ones.”—Psalm 37:28.

Jehovah values our loyalty. He treasures our loyal obedience to him, and he urges us to imitate him in showing loyalty in our dealings with others. (Ephesians 4:24; 5:1) If we display loyalty in these ways, we can trust that he will never abandon us. No matter how other humans may let us down, we can count on Jehovah to act loyally in our behalf, helping us to face successfully whatever trials may come our way. Are you moved to draw closer to Jehovah, “the loyal One”?—Revelation 16:5.


Second Samuel 22:26 parallels Psalm 18:25. One Bible translation renders that psalm: “To the loyal You show Yourself full of love.”—The Psalms for Today.

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