
Saturday, May 28, 2011


  The beginning of the Christian congregation and a record of its zealous public witnessing in the face of fierce opposition
  Time covered: 33 to c. 61 C.E.

Before ascending to heaven, Jesus commissions followers to be witnesses of him as Jehovah’s Messiah (1:1-26)

After receiving holy spirit, disciples boldly witness in many languages (2:1–5:42)

  Jews in Jerusalem from many lands are given witness in their own languages; about 3,000 baptized

  Peter and John are arrested and taken before Sanhedrin; fearlessly declare they will not stop witnessing

  Filled with holy spirit, all the disciples speak the word of God boldly; multitudes become believers

  Apostles are arrested; an angel releases them; brought before the Sanhedrin, they declare: “We must obey 

God as ruler rather than men”

Persecution results in expansion of the witness (6:1–9:43)

  Stephen is seized, gives fearless witness, dies a martyr

  Persecution scatters all but apostles; witness given in Samaria; Ethiopian eunuch baptized

  Jesus appears to the persecutor Saul; Saul is converted, baptized, begins zealous ministry

Under divine direction the witness reaches uncircumcised Gentiles (10:1–12:25)

  Peter preaches to Cornelius, his family, and his friends; these believe, receive holy spirit, and are baptized

  Apostle’s report of this prompts further expansion among nations

Paul’s evangelizing tours (13:1–21:26)

  First tour: To Cyprus, Asia Minor. Paul and Barnabas boldly witness publicly and in synagogues; thrown out of Antioch; mobbed in Iconium; first treated like gods in Lystra, then Paul is stoned

  Circumcision issue decided by governing body at Jerusalem; Paul and Barnabas assigned to inform brothers that circumcision is not required but that believers must abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, and from fornication

  Second tour: Back through Asia Minor, into Macedonia and Greece. Imprisoned in Philippi, but jailer and his family get baptized; Jews stir up trouble in Thessalonica and Beroea; in Athens, Paul preaches in synagogue, in the marketplace, then on the Areopagus; 18-month ministry in Corinth

  Third tour: Asia Minor, Greece. Fruitful Ephesian ministry, then uproar by silversmiths; apostle admonishes elders

Paul is arrested, witnesses to officials, is taken to Rome (21:27–28:31)

  After mobbing in Jerusalem, Paul before Sanhedrin

  As prisoner, Paul gives fearless witness before Felix, Festus, and King Herod Agrippa II, also on boat en route to Rome

  A prisoner in Rome, Paul continues to find ways to preach about Christ and the Kingdom

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