
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Let us consider three reasons why this is so important " Integrity"


1. Our Integrity and the Issue of Sovereignty

 Jehovah’s sovereignty does not depend on our integrity. His sovereignty is just, eternal, and universal. It will always be so, regardless of what any creatures say or do. However, God’s sovereignty has been grossly maligned in the heavens and on the earth. His rulership thus needs to be vindicated—confirmed as right, just, and loving—before all intelligent creatures. As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we love to discuss God’s universal sovereignty with anyone who will listen. How, though, can we take our own stand on the issue? How do we show that we choose Jehovah as our own Sovereign? By keeping integrity.

 Consider how your integrity is involved. Satan has in essence claimed that no human will stand up for God’s sovereignty, that no one will serve Jehovah out of unselfish love. In front of a vast assemblage of spirit creatures, the Devil said to Jehovah: “Skin in behalf of skin, and everything that a man has he will give in behalf of his soul.” (Job 2:4) Notice that Satan did not limit that slur to the righteous man Job but stated it as a general rule regarding mankind. The Bible accordingly calls Satan “the accuser of our brothers.” (Rev. 12:10) He taunts Jehovah with the claim that Christians—including you—will not remain faithful. Satan claims that you would betray Jehovah in order to save your own skin. How do you feel about such charges being heaped upon you? Would you not welcome an opportunity to prove Satan a liar? By keeping your integrity, you can do just that.

 The issue of your integrity thus makes day-to-day conduct and choices quite important. Consider again the three scenarios we mentioned earlier. What would be the course of integrity? The boy being taunted by his schoolmates is sorely tempted to lash out at them, but he remembers this admonition: “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: ‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah.’” (Rom. 12:19) He walks away. The husband who is using the Internet could look at sexually arousing material, but he recalls the principle reflected in Job’s words: “A covenant I have concluded with my eyes. So how could I show myself attentive to a virgin?” (Job 31:1) Similarly, the man refuses to let his eyes rest on unsavory images, avoiding such material as if it were poison. The woman conversing in a group where she might hear a bit of hurtful gossip holds back, recalling the direction: “Let each of us please his neighbor in what is good for his upbuilding.” (Rom. 15:2) The gossip she could repeat is not upbuilding. It would not reflect well on her Christian sister; nor would it please her Father. So she controls her tongue and changes the subject.

 In each of those cases, the Christian makes a choice that, in effect, says: ‘Jehovah is my Ruler. I will try to do what pleases him in this matter.’ Do you view your personal choices and decisions in that light? If you do, you can truly live up to the heartwarming words recorded at Proverbs 27:11: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.” What a privilege we have in making God’s heart rejoice! Is it not well worth our every effort to keep our integrity?

2. The Basis for Divine Judgment

 We see that integrity enables us to take our stand for Jehovah’s sovereignty. It is thus the basis on which God can judge us. Job well understood this truth. (Read Job 31:6.) Job knew that God weighs all mankind in “accurate scales,” using His perfect standard of justice to gauge our integrity. David similarly said: “Jehovah himself will pass sentence on the peoples. Judge me, O Jehovah, according to my righteousness and according to my integrity in me. . . . And God as righteous is testing out heart and kidneys.” (Ps. 7:8, 9) We know that God can look into the very depths of the inner person, the figurative “heart and kidneys.” We need to remember, though, what he is looking for. As David said, Jehovah judges us according to our integrity.

 Imagine Jehovah God searching the billions of hearts of mankind today. (1 Chron. 28:9) How often does he find someone keeping Christian integrity? It is relatively rare indeed! However, we should not assume that we are too flawed to maintain integrity. On the contrary, we have good reason to trust, as did David and Job, that Jehovah will find us maintaining integrity, imperfect though we may be. Remember, perfection does not guarantee our keeping integrity. Only three perfect humans have walked this earth, and two, Adam and Eve, failed to keep integrity. Still, many millions of imperfect humans have succeeded in doing so. You can too.

3. Essential to Our Hope

 Because integrity is at the core of Jehovah’s judgment of us, it is essential to our hope for the future. David knew this to be true. (Read Psalm 41:12.) He cherished the hope of receiving God’s favorable attention forever. Like true Christians today, David hoped to live forever, continuing to draw ever closer to Jehovah God while serving him. David saw the role that his maintaining integrity would play if he was to see the fulfillment of that hope. Similarly, Jehovah upholds us, teaches us, guides us, and blesses us as we keep our integrity.

 Hope is essential to our present happiness. It can give us the joy we need to get through difficult times. Hope can protect our thinking too. Remember, the Bible likens hope to a helmet. (1 Thess. 5:8) As a helmet protects a soldier’s head in battle, hope protects our mind from the negative, pessimistic thinking Satan promotes in this dying old world. Life is poor, indeed, when we are bereft of hope. We need to examine ourselves honestly, carefully considering the state of our own integrity and the hope linked to it. Do not forget that by keeping integrity, you are upholding Jehovah’s sovereignty and safeguarding your precious hope for the future. May you always hold fast to your integrity!

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