
Monday, June 27, 2011

Some Titles That Reflect Jesus’ Unique Role in God’s Purpose


▪ The Only-Begotten Son. (John 1:3) Jesus is the sole direct creation of his Father.

▪ The Word. (John 1:14) Jehovah uses his Son as a Spokesman to convey information and instructions to other creatures.

▪ The Amen. (Rev. 3:14) Jesus’ flawless life course on earth, including his sacrificial death, confirmed and made possible the fulfillment of the promises of Jehovah God.

▪ The Mediator of the New Covenant. (1 Tim. 2:5, 6) As a legal Mediator, Jesus has made possible the birth of a new nation, “the Israel of God,” composed of Christians who will form a heavenly “royal priesthood.”—Gal. 6:16; 1 Pet. 2:9.

▪ The High Priest. (Heb. 7:27, 28) Jesus was the only human to be in a position to offer a perfect sacrifice, one that did not need to be repeated. He can cleanse us from sin and free us from its death-dealing effects.

▪ The Promised Seed. (Gen. 3:15) Only one man, Jesus Christ, is the primary part of that foretold seed. All others who later become the secondary part of Abraham’s seed “belong to Christ.”—Gal. 3:29.

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