
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Approach God With Reverence


 When praying publicly we should remember that we are not addressing humans. Rather, we are sinful creatures petitioning the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. (Psalm 8:3-5, 9; 73:28) We should therefore manifest reverential fear of displeasing him by what we say and how we express it. (Proverbs 1:7) The psalmist David sang: “As for me, in the abundance of your loving-kindness I shall come into your house, I shall bow down toward your holy temple in fear of you.” (Psalm 5:7) 

If we have that attitude, how will we express ourselves when asked to pray publicly at a meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Well, if we were speaking to a human king, we would do so respectfully and with dignity. Should not our prayers be even more dignified and respectful, since we are praying to Jehovah, the “King of eternity”? (Revelation 15:3) 

So when praying we would avoid such statements as, “Good morning, Jehovah,” “We send you our love,” or, “Have a nice day.” The Scriptures show that God’s only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, never addressed his heavenly Father in that way.

 Paul said: “Let us . . . approach with freeness of speech to the throne of undeserved kindness.” (Hebrews 4:16) We can approach Jehovah with “freeness of speech” in spite of our sinful state because of our faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (Acts 10:42, 43; 20:20, 21)

Yet, such “freeness of speech” does not mean that we are chatting with God; nor should we say disrespectful things to him. If our public prayers are to please Jehovah, they must be offered with proper respect and dignity, and it would be inappropriate to use them to make announcements, counsel individuals, or lecture an audience.

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