
Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Servant’s Ministry on Earth


 The Bible record tells what happened when Jesus was baptized in 29 C.E.: “The holy spirit . . . came down upon him, and a voice came out of heaven: ‘You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you.’” (Luke 3:21, 22) 

Jehovah thus clearly identified his “chosen one,” mentioned in Isaiah’s prophecy. (Read Isaiah 42:1-7.) During his earthly ministry, Jesus fulfilled this prophecy in a remarkable way. In his Gospel account, Matthew quoted the words found at Isaiah 42:1-4 and applied them to Jesus.—Matt. 12:15-21.

 The common people among the Jews were despised by the Jewish religious leaders. (John 7:47-49) The people were treated roughly and could be compared to ‘crushed reeds’ or ‘flaxen wicks’ when they are at their last flicker. Jesus, however, showed compassion for the poor and afflicted. (Matt. 9:35, 36) He offered such ones a kind invitation, saying: “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you.” (Matt. 11:28) 

Furthermore, Jesus ‘brought forth justice’ by teaching Jehovah’s standards of right and wrong. (Isa. 42:3) He further showed that God’s Law needed to be applied with reasonableness and mercy. (Matt. 23:23) Jesus also displayed justice by preaching without prejudice to both rich and poor.—Matt. 11:5; Luke 18:18-23.

 Isaiah’s prophecy also predicts that Jehovah’s “chosen one” “sets justice in the earth.” (Isa. 42:4) This he will shortly do when as King of the Messianic Kingdom, he destroys all political kingdoms and replaces them with his own righteous rule. He will usher in a new world, where “righteousness is to dwell.”—2 Pet. 3:13; Dan. 2:44.

Why not check the Scriptures here? 

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