
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Help to Overcome Concealed Weaknesses


When individuals feel unworthy, they may think that Jehovah will not listen to their call for help in their time of distress. It is particularly good then to reflect on what David said when he felt remorse for his serious sin with Bath-sheba: “A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not despise.” (Ps. 51:17) 

David was sincerely repentant, and he knew that he could approach God and count on his mercy. Jesus reflects Jehovah’s caring spirit. The Gospel writer Matthew applied the words of Isaiah to Jesus: “No bruised reed will he crush, and no smoldering flaxen wick will he extinguish.” (Matt. 12:20; Isa. 42:3) 

While on earth, Jesus showed compassion for the lowly and the downtrodden. He did not, as it were, extinguish the last spark of life of one who was like the wick of an oil lamp about to go out. Rather, he tenderly nurtured suffering ones to restore in them the flame of life.

That was how he was as he walked among humans. Do you not believe that Jesus is still that way and that he is able to sympathize with your weaknesses? Note that Hebrews 4:15 indicates that he is One who can “sympathize with our weaknesses.”

When writing about his “thorn in the flesh,” Paul observed that the power of the Christ was “like a tent” over him. (2 Cor. 12:7-9) He felt God’s protection through Christ, just as a person in a tent feels protected from the elements. Like Paul, we do not have to give in to our weaknesses and problems. To remain spiritually strong, we can use all the provisions that Jehovah gives us through his earthly congregation. 

We can do everything humanly possible and then look to Jehovah with full assurance that he will guide our steps. Experiencing how God’s power makes up for our weaknesses, we will be able to say as did Paul: “When I am weak, then I am powerful.”—2 Cor. 12:10.

Why not check the Scriptures here?



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