
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Where Will the Battle of Armageddon Be Fought?


The battle of Armageddon will not be fought on any one specific battlefield. Instead, the entire earth will be the battleground. Why? Because the two opposing sides are so large that they cannot be contained at any one site.

Armageddon, or Har–Magedon, is also known as “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” Jehovah God will use his Son, Christ Jesus, to muster an angelic army to war against the combined forces of all the wicked rulers of the earth.—Revelation 16:14; 19:11-16.

The nations are somehow lured by satanic forces to join the battle. The Bible speaks of “expressions inspired by demons” as going forth “to the kings [rulers] of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the . . . place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon.”—Revelation 16:14-16.

Like no other Bible book, Revelation has fired the imagination of countless Bible readers. Many literal-minded readers have pinpointed the exact spot where they believe that the battle will begin, and they have kept a nervous eye on events surrounding that region. The notion that Armageddon refers to a precise locale can be found in the earliest extant Greek commentary on Revelation, written in the sixth century C.E. by Oecumenius.

Echoing a popular viewpoint among the Fundamentalist clergy, John F. Walvoord, former president of Dallas Theological Seminary, says that Armageddon is “the final suicidal battle of a desperate world struggle centered in the Middle East.” Walvoord identifies as the focal point of this great future conflict “‘the Mount of Megiddo,’ a small mountain located in northern Palestine at the end of a broad valley.”

However, the book of Revelation is not a road map to a literal place called Armageddon. Its opening words state that the account is presented “in signs.” (Revelation 1:1) Jehovah’s Witnesses long ago stated in their publication Studies in the Scriptures, Volume IV: “We are not to expect any gathering of the people literally to the Hill of Megiddo.”

Historical Megiddo suggests a cornered condition, or situation, with no escape for the enemies of God. Thus, at Armageddon, God will make certain that all corruption and wickedness, no matter where it may be found on this globe, is crushed out of existence.—Revelation 21:8.

Lovers of Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, need not fear Armageddon. God’s battle is directed solely against those humans whom God judges to be incorrigibly wicked. His war will be selective in its destruction. “Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion,” says the Bible. (2 Peter 2:9) A heartwarming promise at Psalm 37:34 says: “Hope in Jehovah and keep his way, and he will exalt you to take possession of the earth. When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see it.”

Why not check the Scriptures here? 


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