
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Turn Your Eyes Away From Worthless Things!


“Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless; preserve me alive in your own way.”—PS. 119:37.

HOW precious our sight is! By means of it, we can instantly grasp our surroundings—in depth and in color. Our sight enables us to see beloved friends or unwelcome dangers. Through it, we perceive beauty, appreciate the wonders of creation, and receive evidence of God’s existence and glory. (Ps. 8:3, 4; 19:1, 2; 104:24; Rom. 1:20) And as a highly important channel of communication to the mind, sight plays a major role in our acquiring knowledge of Jehovah and building faith in him.—Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:2, 3.

 What we look at, however, can also be to our detriment. The link between our sight and our mind is so strong that what we see with our eyes can initiate or intensify ambitions and desires in our heart. And because we live in a depraved and self-gratifying world ruled by Satan the Devil, we are bombarded with images and propaganda that can easily lead us astray—even if we would give them only a quick glance. (1 John 5:19) It is no wonder, then, that the psalmist implored God: “Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless; preserve me alive in your own way.”—Ps. 119:37.

Why not check the Scriptures here?


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