
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Prayer Will It Help?


DOES praying do us any good? The Bible shows that yes, the prayers of faithful servants of God really do benefit them. (Luke 22:40; James 5:13) In fact, praying can do us a world of good spiritually, emotionally, and even physically. How so?

Well, let us say that you have a child who receives a gift. Would you teach him that it is enough to feel grateful? Or would you teach him to express his gratitude? When we put important feelings into words, we bring them into focus and even strengthen them. Does the same hold true when it comes to speaking to God? Absolutely! Consider some examples.

Prayers of thanks. When we thank our Father for the good things that come our way, we focus on our blessings. As a result, we may feel more grateful, happier, more positive.—Philippians 4:6.

Example: Jesus expressed gratitude for the way his Father heard and responded to his prayers.—John 11:41.

Prayers for forgiveness. When we ask God for forgiveness, we strengthen our conscience, deepen our repentance, and intensify our awareness of the seriousness of sin. We also find relief from the burden of guilt.

Example: David prayed to express repentance and sorrow.—Psalm 51.

Prayers for guidance and wisdom. Asking Jehovah to guide us or to grant us the wisdom we need to make good decisions can help us to be genuinely humble. It can remind us of our limitations and help build our trust in our heavenly Father.—Proverbs 3:5, 6.

Example: Solomon humbly asked for guidance and wisdom in ruling over Israel.—1 Kings 3:5-12.

Prayers of distress. If we pour out our heart to God when we are in emotional turmoil, our heart will be soothed and we will lean on Jehovah instead of ourselves.—Psalm 62:8.

Example: King Asa prayed when facing an overwhelming foe.—2 Chronicles 14:11.

Prayers for the well-being of others in need. Such prayers help us to combat selfishness and to grow in compassion and empathy.

Example: Jesus prayed in behalf of his followers.—John 17:9-17.

Prayers of praise. When we praise Jehovah for his wonderful works and qualities, our respect and appreciation for him will grow. Such prayers may also help us to draw closer to our God and Father.

Example: David warmly praised God for his creation.—Psalm 8.
Another blessing linked with prayer is “the peace of God that excels all thought.” (Philippians 4:7) Finding calm in this troubled world is a rare blessing indeed. It even has physical benefits. (Proverbs 14:30) But does it come solely as a result of our own efforts? Or is something more important involved?

Prayer offers many benefits—physical, emotional and, above all, spiritual

Why not check the Scriptures here?


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