
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

“Your Reminders Are What I Am Fond Of”


“All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction.”—ROMANS 15:4.

JEHOVAH provides his people with reminders in order to help them deal with the pressures of these difficult times. Some of these reminders come to the fore during personal Bible reading, while others take the form of information or comments presented at Christian meetings. Much of what we read or hear on these occasions is not new to us. Likely, we have considered similar information before. Since we are inclined to forget, though, we continually need to refresh our memories with regard to Jehovah’s purposes, laws, and instructions. We should appreciate God’s reminders. They renew our spirit by helping us to keep in focus the reasons that motivated us to adopt a godly life course. Thus, the psalmist sang to Jehovah: “Your reminders are what I am fond of.”—Psalm 119:24.

 Though penned many centuries ago, God’s Word is dynamic. (Hebrews 4:12) It presents us with true accounts of the lives of Bible characters. While customs and points of view have changed much since Bible times, the challenges we have to face are often similar to those faced back then. Many stories preserved for our benefit in the Bible offer us touching examples of people who loved Jehovah and served him faithfully despite adverse circumstances. Other accounts call attention to the kind of conduct that God hates. Jehovah had all these personal histories, good and bad, included in the Bible as reminders. It is as the apostle Paul wrote: “All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.”—Romans 15:4.

Why not check the Scriptures here?





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