
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

“Do not be quick to show resentment; for resentment is nursed by fools.”

It is good not to take offense, for Ecclesiastes 7:9 says: “Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended.” In the course of time, the other person may get to know you better and may correct his view. Upon appreciating that he was mistaken, he will love you all the more, especially if you did not react in anger. Certainly, Christians want to imitate God, who exercises self-control in the face of accusations. Also, Jehovah knows our motives, and he will comfort us. We will find joy if we continue to “trust in Jehovah and do good.” If he wants to vindicate us in some matter, he can do so at the proper time.—Ps. 37:3-8; Acts 15:8; 2 Cor. 7:6.

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