
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Free but Accountable

As indicated by the Scriptures, although a Christian may be a slave to an earthly master, he is actually Christ’s freedman, liberated from bondage to sin and death. But having been bought with a price, Jesus’ precious blood, a Christian who is a freeman in a physical sense is a slave of God and of Jesus Christ, obligated to obey their commands. This indicates that for humans freedom is always relative, never absolute. Therefore, from God’s viewpoint, in the Christian congregation there is no difference between slave and freeman. Moreover, the freedom possessed by a Christian does not entitle him to use this as a blind for badness.—1Co 7:22, 23; Ga 3:28; Heb 2:14, 15; 1Pe 1:18, 19; 2:16.

Why not check the Scriptures here?





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