
Monday, March 4, 2013

Lessons for Us


 We can learn much from Jesus’ words and example as a man of prayer. One lesson is that if God’s perfect Son needed to pray regularly, his imperfect disciples have a much greater need to look to God continually for guidance, comfort, and spiritual sustenance. Therefore, we should “pray incessantly.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Of course, this does not mean that we must always be literally on our knees. Rather, we should constantly have a prayerful attitude. We should look to God for guidance in all aspects of life so that we can act with insight and always have his approval.—Proverbs 15:24.

 In these “last days,” many things can encroach on the time we should spend in prayer. (2 Timothy 3:1) But if domestic worries, business cares, and the like are interfering with regular prayer to our heavenly Father, we are too weighed down with the concerns of this life. Such a situation ought to be corrected without delay, for failure to pray leads to loss of faith. Either we should reduce our secular obligations or counterbalance the cares of life with more earnest and repeated turning of our heart to God for guidance. We should “be vigilant with a view to prayers.”—1 Peter 4:7.

In what has been called the model prayer, Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, not exactly what to say. Luke’s account differs somewhat from that of Matthew because different occasions were involved.

Why not check the Scriptures here?





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