
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

“Take My Yoke Upon You”


 In a world filled with pressures and anxieties, we have experienced real relief by responding to Jesus’ warm invitation to find the refreshment provided under his yoke. (Matt. 11:29, 30) Accepting the yoke of discipleship includes engaging in a work that is not only challenging but also refreshing. It involves preaching the good news of the Kingdom and helping others to find refreshment along with us under Jesus’ kindly yoke.—Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20.

 Refreshment From the Ministry: Jesus did not ask his followers to add his load to what they were already carrying. He invited them to trade their heavy load for his light one. No longer are we weighed down with the anxieties and hopelessness of this system of things; neither do we toil for uncertain riches. (Luke 21:34; 1 Tim. 6:17) Even though we are busy and must work to obtain daily necessities, we center our lives on the worship of God. (Matt. 6:33) We will always find the ministry to be refreshing, not burdensome, if we maintain the proper perspective on what is most important.—Phil. 1:10.

 Naturally, we enjoy talking about whatever we hold dear to our heart. (Luke 6:45) All Christians care deeply about Jehovah and the Kingdom blessings he has promised. Thus, how refreshing it is to talk about “good news of good things” and leave behind our daily cares while sharing in the ministry! (Rom. 10:15) Of course, the more we do something, the more proficient we become and the more joy we experience. Therefore, devoting more time to the ministry, if we are able, will bring additional refreshment. And how invigorating it is when individuals respond to our preaching! (Acts 15:3) Even when we encounter apathy or opposition, the ministry will bring spiritual refreshment if we keep in mind that our efforts please Jehovah and that any positive results will be due to his blessing.—Acts 5:41; 1 Cor. 3:9.

Why not check the Scriptures here?


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