
Wednesday, December 30, 2009



Kindness to all men, as the Son of God explained so forcefully, is a Christian responsibility. The apostle of Jesus Christ admonishes us to keep this responsibility always in mind; Paul wrote: "Let your brotherly love continue. Do not forget kindness to strangers, for through it some, unknown to themselves, entertained angels." What rewards came to Abraham, Lot and Manoah because they were kind to all men! They entertained angels and received blessings from the Most High, because they never forgot "kindness to strangers."—Heb. 13:1, 2; Gen. 18:1-10; 19:1-29; Judg. 13:8-20.

How can Christians today show kindness to strangers?

By following the example of Jesus Christ. He showed kindness to all persons, and the most important way he did this was by inviting others to feast upon spiritual food, the truths concerning the "kingdom of the heavens." To advance the interests of God’s kingdom Jesus showed kindness in every way. Right from the beginning of his ministry he showed hospitality to strangers so as to help them spiritually .

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