
Friday, January 15, 2010


Definition: Creation, as explained in the Bible, means that Almighty God designed and brought into existence the universe, including other spirit persons and all the basic kinds of life upon the earth.


[kree-ey-shuhn] Show IPA
1.the act of producing or causing to exist; the act of creating; engendering.
2.the fact of being created.
3.something that is or has been created.
4.the Creation, the original bringing into existence of the universe by God.
5.the world; universe.
6.creatures collectively. original product of the mind, esp. an imaginative artistic work: the creations of a poetic genius.
8.a specially designed dress, hat, or other article of women's clothing, usually distinguished by imaginative or unique styling: the newest Paris creations.
Origin: 1350–1400; ME creacioun L creātiōn- (s. of creātiō). See create,-ion
cre⋅a⋅tion⋅al, cre⋅a⋅tion⋅ar⋅y [kree-ey-shuh-ner-ee] Show IPA , adjective
1. production, development, formation. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.

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