
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jesus, the Great Teacher

Jesus, the Great Teacher

DO YOU like to hear stories?— Well, then, I’m going to tell you one about a man who told better stories than anyone else who has ever lived on earth. His name is Jesus Christ.
He lived on this earth almost two thousand years ago. That is a long time ago. It is long before your grandmother or grandfather were born. And it is long before men had cars or trains or radios or other things of today.

When Jesus told a story it made a person think. If a person thought about it long enough, what Jesus said could even change the way the person felt about things. It could change the person’s whole view of life. And everything that Jesus said was true.
Jesus knew more than any other man. He was the best teacher who ever lived. We learn many things from other persons. But we can learn the most important things from Jesus.
One reason that Jesus was such a great teacher is because he listened. He knew how important it is to listen. But to whom did Jesus listen? Who taught him?— Jesus’ Father did. And Jesus’ Father is God.

Before coming to earth as a man, Jesus had lived in heaven with God. So Jesus was different from other men. For no other man lived in heaven before being born on earth. In heaven Jesus had been a good Son who listened to his Father. So Jesus was able to teach people what he learned from God. By listening to your father and mother you can copy Jesus.
Another reason why Jesus was a great teacher is that he loved people. He wanted to help them to learn about God. Jesus loved grown-ups. But did he love children too?— Yes, he did. And children liked to be with Jesus because he would talk to them and listen to them.

One day parents brought their young children to Jesus. But Jesus’ friends thought that the Great Teacher was too busy to speak with little children. So they told them to go away. But did Jesus agree?— No. He said: ‘Let the young children alone, and do not stop them from coming to me.’ Even though he was a very wise and important man, Jesus took time to teach little children.—Matthew 19:13, 14.,+14&q_scope=

Jesus was a great teacher because he knew how to make things interesting. He spoke about birds and flowers and other things to help people understand about God. One day he gave a sermon or a talk to a large crowd of people who came to him when he was on the side of a mountain. It is called the Sermon on the Mount.

Jesus told the people: ‘Look at the birds in the sky. They do not plant seed. They do not store food in houses. But God in heaven feeds them. Are you not worth more than they are?’
Jesus also said: ‘Take a lesson from the lilies of the field.’ What lesson do you think we can learn from them? Well, Jesus said: ‘They do not make clothes. And look how beautiful they are! Even rich King Solomon was not dressed more beautifully than the lilies of the field. So if God takes care of the flowers that grow, will he not also care for you?’

Do you understand the lesson Jesus was teaching there?— He did not want them to worry about where they would get food to eat or clothes to put on. God knows that people need these things. Jesus did not say that we should not work for food and clothing. But he said that we should put God first. If we do that, God will see that we have food to eat and clothing to wear. Do you believe that?— —Matthew 6:25-33.

People liked the way Jesus taught. They were amazed. It was interesting to listen to him. And what he said helped people to do what is right.
It is important that we listen to him too. But how can we do that? We have the sayings of Jesus written in a book. Do you know what that book is?— It is the Holy Bible. So we can listen to Jesus by paying attention to the Bible.

God himself says that we should listen to Jesus. One day when Jesus was with three of his friends up in a high mountain, a voice from heaven said: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved; listen to him.” Do you know whose voice that was?— It was God’s! God said that we should listen to his Son.—Matthew 17:1-5.

Will you listen to the Great Teacher?— That is what we all should do. We will be happy if we do. And it will also bring us happiness if we tell our friends the good things we learn.
(For more fine thoughts about the benefits that come from listening to Jesus, open your Bible and read together John 8:28-30; 3:16; Acts 4:12.);+3:16;+Acts+4:12&q_scope=

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