
Saturday, January 16, 2010

The One Who Made All Things

I KNOW something wonderful. Would you like to hear it?— Look at your hand. Bend your fingers. Now pick something up. Your hand can do many things, and it can do them well. Do you know who made the hand?— It was God.
Now look at my face. What do you see?— You see my mouth, my nose and my two eyes. How can you see them?— With your own eyes. And who made the eyes?— It was God. Isn’t that wonderful?—

You can see many things with your eyes. You can look at flowers. You can see birds. You can look at the green grass and the blue sky.
But who made these things?— Did some man make them?— No. Men can make a house. But no man can make grass that grows. Men cannot make a bird, a flower or any other living thing. Did you know that?—
God is the One who made all these things. God made the heavens and the earth. He made people too. He created the first man and the first woman. Jesus, the Great Teacher, taught this.—Matthew 19:4-6.

How did Jesus know that God made man and woman? Did Jesus see God do it?— Yes, he did. Jesus was with God when God made man and woman. Jesus was the first person that God made. He was an angel, and he lived and worked in heaven with his Father.
The Bible tells us that God said: “Let us make man.” Do you know whom God was talking to?— He was talking to his Son, the one who later came to earth and became the Great Teacher!—Genesis 1:26.

Everything that God has done shows his love. God made the sun. The sun gives us light and it keeps us warm. Everything would be cold and there would be no life on earth if we did not have the sun. Aren’t you glad that God made the sun?—
God makes it rain too. Sometimes you may not like the rain because you can’t go outside to play when it rains. But the rain helps the flowers to grow.

So when we see beautiful flowers, whom are we going to thank for them?— God. And whom should we thank when we eat fruits and vegetables that taste good?— We should thank God, because it is his sun and rain that make things grow. God is so good to do all these wonderful things for us.

Do you know where God is?— The Bible tells us that God lives in heaven.
Can you see God?— No. The Bible says: ‘No man can see God.’ So no one should try to make a picture or an image of God. God even tells us not to try to make an image of him. So we should not have things like those in our house, should we?— —Exodus 33:20; 20:4, 5.;+20:4,+5&q_scope=
But if you cannot see God, how do you know that there really is a God?— Think about this. Can you see the wind?— No. Nobody can see the wind. But you can see the things the wind does. You can see the leaves move when the wind blows through the branches of a tree. So you believe that there is wind.

You can see the things God has done too. When you see a living flower or a bird, you see something God has made. So you believe that there really is a God.
Someone might ask you, “Who made the sun and the earth?” What would you say?— You can say that God made them. The Bible says: “God created the heavens and the earth.”—Genesis 1:1.

What if someone asks you, “Did God make man and the animals too?” What will you say?— Tell him: “Yes, God made man and the animals. God made the birds too.” The Bible says: ‘God created all things.’—Ephesians 3:9.

Someone may tell you that he does not believe in God. What will you say then?— Why not point to a house? Ask the person: “Who made that house?” Some man did. The house did not make itself, did it?—

Then take the person to a garden and show him a flower. Ask him: “Who made this?” No man did. Since the house did not make itself, this flower did not make itself. Someone made it. God did.

Ask the person to stop and listen to the song of a bird. Then ask him: “Who made the birds and taught them to sing?” God did. God is the One who made the heavens and the earth and all living things! He is the One who gives life.

And how good it is to be alive! We can hear the beautiful songs of the birds. We can see the flowers and the other things that God has made. And we can eat the foods that God has given us.
For all these things we should thank God. Most of all, we should thank him for giving us life. If we are really thankful to God, we will do something. What is that?— We will listen to God and we will worship him in the way that he tells us to in the Bible. In that way we can show that we love the One who made all things.

(We should show appreciation to God for all that he has done. How? Read what is written at Psalm 139:14 [138:14, Douay Version], Revelation 4:11, John 4:23, 24 and 1 John 5:21.)

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