
Friday, July 23, 2010

Mat. 6:11 Matt. 6:11

Viernes 23 de julio
Danos hoy nuestro pan para este día (Mat. 6:11).
Jesús enseñó a sus discípulos a pedirle a Dios lo que leemos en el texto de hoy. El pan era parte esencial de la dieta de muchos pueblos antiguos, como Israel. Aunque se trata de un alimento relativamente simple, el proceso químico que transforma sus ingredientes básicos en el producto final es todo menos sencillo. En tiempos bíblicos, los israelitas preparaban pan usando harina de trigo o de cebada, agua y, en ocasiones, levadura. Cuando se combinan, estos elementos simples forman una cantidad extraordinaria de compuestos químicos cuyas interacciones no se comprenden del todo. Y la forma en que el cuerpo digiere el pan no es menos compleja. Con razón el salmista cantó: “¡Cuántas son tus obras, oh Jehová! Con sabiduría las has hecho todas” (Sal. 104:24). ¡Qué poderosas razones tenemos para alabar a Jehová!
Friday, July 23
Give us today our bread for this day.—Matt. 6:11.
Jesus taught his followers to pray the above. Bread was a staple in the diet of many ancient peoples, including the Israelites. Though bread is considered a simple food, the chemical process that transforms a few basic ingredients into delicious bread is anything but simple. When the Bible was being written, the Israelites used wheat or barley flour and water to make bread. Leaven, or yeast, was sometimes used in the bread-making process. These simple substances combine to form an astonishing number of chemical compounds that have active links to one another. The exact relationship between these compounds is not fully understood. Moreover, the way bread is digested in the body is another amazingly intricate process. No wonder the psalmist sang: “How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made”! (Ps. 104:24) Are you similarly moved to laud Jehovah? 

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