
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Be Careful in Ministry

This was sent to me in Spanish and I have translated to English to share with my English speaking brothers & sisters.
We need to be very careful!!!
They sent me this experience and I share it with you with affection the same as they did with me.

Two pioneer sisters who were newly assigned to a congregation were given territory to work in the afternoon but the brother failed to tell them about a certain house that was marked as “Do not knock”…

They arrived at the house, knocked on the door and a very kind lady opened. She told them she was happy to meet them and that she had much interest to study the Bible that she asked them to come in.

The two Jehovah Witnesses entered and spoke to her over a Bible topic and the lady showed much attention and interest. After a while she invited them to eat but the sisters did not accept because they didn’t want to be a bothersome and told her thank you but that they must continue preaching.

The lady then told them she would make them a taco so they could eat on their way. The sisters kindly accepted and went on their way.

After a while they came upon a young man whom they approached to speak about the Bible but the young man said he had interest to listen but that he was very hungry because he had not eaten since the previous day. Upon hearing this, the sisters told him they were just given some tacos that they were not going to eat and they would share them with him. The young man accepted the tacos, they spoke with him about the Bible a good while and then he went on his way. Two days later the sisters learned the young man they had shared their food with was dead and the autopsy revealed that it was poisoning.

Upon hearing this, the sisters could not believe that the lady who appeared to be so kind wanted to kill them. When the brothers investigated about this young man what was the surprise? The young man was the son of the lady who had given the poisoned food.

This experience was told by a brother in the circuit who was at a dinner that was held at a home of the overseer of a congregation for the pioneers on a Saturday visit.

All those that heard were impacted some said that Jehovah had moved matters and had protected the sisters.

One of us said that Maybe seeing this the lady was convinced that Jehovah is the true God. But the brother continued saying after listening to our comments all this could be true but that this act confirms that: We should NEVER accept food from any householder no matter how noble and honest the person and their actions may be.
Be careful brothers


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