
Monday, March 14, 2011



We heard an experience in circuit assembly in the USA.

> Because the economy is so bad in the U.S., President Obama has been visiting Ohio to three times this year.
There is a factory in this State, and work there is brother Jehovah witness who was chosen to be part of a group that would greet the president when he came to give a speech to his factory. His brother, who is also a witness, in the form of joke I ask him if he was ready to preach to the President. Then the brother said that having the opportunity to do so, Then the brother said that if I had the opportunity to do so, the he would do so.
Then he realized that indeed if he had the opportunity he was going to take it.
He prayed to the JEHOVAH all night and all morning before going to work. When he arrived there, the agents of the FBI told the 9 men who were to be part of this greeting to not put his hands in his pockets because he had armed officers everywhere. "
Now, the brother had to think where to put the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?
 since he was planning to put in the back pocket. Each of the men were inspected and none of them asked why he had that book in his pocket ...- it's like they could not see.
They told the brother that he would be the last in line. Then he kept the book in his left hand so that the brother was able to greet and shake hands with the president. He witnessed that all 8 workers  The President Obama gave a handshake and a hug, which each lasted twenty seconds. Our brother was there thinking: "There is No way that can give a presentation and offer the book  What Does the Bible Really Teach in twenty seconds.
But he kept praying to the JEHOVAH. Obama finally comes on and shakes his hand. The brother immediately said: "Mr. President, would be appropriate to give you a book? " The president said sure of course! Then the brother gives him the book proceeds : to say "I know you had to deal with many problems in this short period of time "Mr. President,. This chapter will explain because all these things are happening and will bring relief and comfort and satisfaction to see that all these problems all these problems will be things of the past and will be eliminados." The president thanked him, look at the question in the heading of the chapter and smiled, saying he was eager to read it soon. So, my friends, you can say that even President Obama has Heard the good news of the Kingdom  and that a brother of the circuit 12 of the state of Ohio has preach to him.
Sometimes we heard by means of a friend, of a friend and another friend who occurred a great testimony somebody famous one. This experience could be verified by more than 1.029 people in a circuit assembly!

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