Viernes 22 de abril
Jehosafat [...] dirigió su rostro a buscar a Jehová (2 Cró. 20:3).
Cuando Ammón, Moab y los habitantes de la región montañosa de Seír aunaron fuerzas para atacar a Judá, el rey Jehosafat hizo esta conmovedora petición: “Oh Dios nuestro, ¿no ejecutarás juicio contra ellos? Porque no hay en nosotros poder delante de esta gran muchedumbre que viene contra nosotros” (2 Cró. 20:12, 13). Cuando el rey terminó su oración, el espíritu de Jehová indujo a Jahaziel, un levita, a consolar a la gente e infundirle confianza (2 Cró. 20:14-17). Como vemos, Jehosafat y el pueblo recibieron la guía de Jehová mediante Jahaziel. Hoy día, Jehová nos consuela y nos guía mediante “el esclavo fiel y discreto”. Por lo tanto, debemos obedecer y respetar a los superintendentes, que se esfuerzan por pastorear al rebaño y llevar a cabo las instrucciones del esclavo fiel (Mat. 24:45; 1 Tes. 5:12, 13).
Friday, April 22
Jehoshaphat . . . set his face to search for Jehovah.—2 Chron. 20:3.
Faced with the threat of the combined forces of Ammon, Moab, and the people of the mountainous region of Seir, Jehoshaphat movingly beseeched Jehovah: “O our God, will you not execute judgment upon them? For in us there is no power before this large crowd that is coming against us.” (2 Chron. 20:12, 13) After Jehoshaphat prayed, Jehovah’s spirit moved Jahaziel, a Levite, to utter words of comfort that instilled confidence in the people. (2 Chron. 20:14-17) Yes, back then, Jehoshaphat and the kingdom of Judah received direction from Jehovah through Jahaziel. Today, we receive comfort and direction through the faithful and discreet slave class. Certainly, we always want to cooperate with and show respect for the appointed elders, who work hard in shepherding us and implementing the directions of “the faithful and discreet slave.”—Matt. 24:45;
Examining the Bible Scriptures Daily, Such instructions gave Jesus ‘the tongue of the taught ones’ so that he would ‘know how to answer the tired one with a word.’ (Isa. 30:20; 50:4; Matt. 11:28-30) Being awakened to timely counsel from the Word of God each morning will not only help you to cope with your own problems but also equip you with ‘the tongue of the taught ones’ to help others.”
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- jessie
- Christian view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, absolute truth, beneficial for teaching and disciplining mankind.
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