
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Does the Soul Survive Death?


Many have been taught that the soul is a shadowy thing that survives death. The Bible teaches something different. The first book of the Bible, Genesis, identifies the soul for us. Genesis 2:7 states that at the first man’s creation, he “came to be a living soul.” Man, in his entirety, is a soul; animals are also souls. (Genesis 1:20-25) So, logically, when a human or an animal dies, the soul dies. The Bible confirms this.—Ezekiel 18:4.

However, some may ask, ‘What about the many stories of people contacting the dead, hearing their voices, or even seeing them?’ Such accounts are common in many parts of the world. They fill bereaved relatives or close friends with hope, moving many to seek out a spirit medium who claims to be able to contact the dead.
Are such stories true? If so, would this not contradict the above Bible-based statements? Christ Jesus described God’s Word as truth. (John 17:17) 

Truth does not contradict itself. Actually, there is clear direction in the Bible on how we should view claims that the dead can help the living. The Bible tells us about someone who attempted to get help from the dead. A careful reading of the account will reveal the truth.

Why not check the Scriptures here? BIBLE ON LINE

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