
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Choose Your Companions Wisely


 Jacob’s daughter Dinah was an example of one who got into serious trouble because of associating with worldly companions. The Genesis account about her tells us that she was in the habit of associating with the young Canaanite women in the area where her family dwelled. The Canaanites did not have the same high moral standards as Jehovah’s worshippers. On the contrary, what archaeologists have found indicates that the Canaanites’ ways led to their land becoming filled with idolatry, immorality, depraved sex worship, and violence. (Ex. 23:23; Lev. 18:2-25; Deut. 18:9-12) Recall the outcome of Dinah’s association with these people.

 A local man, Shechem, described as “the most honorable of the whole house of his father,” saw Dinah “and then took her and lay down with her and violated her.” (Gen. 34:1, 2, 19) What a tragedy! Do you suppose Dinah ever imagined that such a thing could happen to her? Perhaps she was simply seeking the friendship of the local youths, whom she considered harmless. However, Dinah was greatly deceived.

 What does this account teach us? That we simply cannot socialize with unbelievers and hope to suffer no ill consequences. The Scriptures state that “bad associations spoil useful habits.” (1 Cor. 15:33) On the other hand, association with people who share your beliefs, your high moral standards, and your love for Jehovah is a safeguard. Such good association will encourage you to act wisely.—Prov. 13:20.

Why not check the Scriptures here? 


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