
Thursday, November 24, 2011

An Aid to Meditation


Concerning the man who follows the way of righteousness, the Scriptures inform us that “in [God’s] law he reads in an undertone day and night.” (Ps. 1:2) The Amplified Bible reads: “On His law . . . he habitually meditates . . . by day and by night.” What circumstance best lends itself to such meditation?

Isaac, the son of the patriarch Abraham, “was out walking in order to meditate in the field at about the falling of evening.” (Gen. 24:63) He chose a quiet time and place for meditation. It was during the silence of the night watches that King David meditated. (Ps. 63:6) 

The perfect man Jesus made a determined effort to satisfy his need for solitude and meditation, away from the clamor of crowds, in the seclusion of mountains, deserts, and other lonely places.—Matt. 14:23; Luke 4:42; 5:16.

The restorative effects of silence cannot be denied. Silence can provide an environment for healthy self-examination—an essential prerequisite for self-improvement. Silence can promote peace of mind. Meditation during quiet periods can engender modesty and humility within us and can enhance our appreciation for the truly important things in life.

While silence can be a virtue, there is also “a time to speak.” (Eccl. 3:7) True worshippers today are busy preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom “in all the inhabited earth.” (Matt. 24:14) The resulting joyful noise is being heard with ever-increasing volume as their ranks grow. (Mic. 2:12) 

By all means, let us be among those who are zealously declaring the Kingdom good news and speaking about the wonderful works of God. As we share in this important activity, may our lifestyle also reflect an awareness that silence, at times, is golden.

Why not check the Scriptures here? 


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