
Friday, November 25, 2011

Imitate Jesus


 Consider how Jehovah used angels in the case of Jesus. They announced his birth and resurrection and ministered to him when he was on earth. The angels could have prevented his arrest and cruel death. Instead, however, an angel was sent to strengthen him. (Matt. 28:5, 6; Luke 2:8-11; 22:43) 

In accord with Jehovah’s purpose, Jesus died a sacrificial death and furnished proof that a perfect man can maintain integrity to God despite being tested to the limit. Jehovah therefore resurrected Jesus to immortal heavenly life, giving him “all authority” and making angels subject to him. (Matt. 28:18; Acts 2:32; 1 Pet. 3:22) Jesus thus proved to be the principal part of the “seed” of God’s “woman.”—Gen. 3:15; Gal. 3:16.

 Jesus knew that it was wrong for him to put Jehovah to the test by expecting angels to rescue him if he were to engage in reckless behavior. (Read Matthew 4:5-7.) So let us imitate Jesus’ example by living with “soundness of mind,” not taking unnecessary risks, yet facing persecution confidently.—Titus 2:12.

Why not check the Scriptures here? 


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