
Monday, March 12, 2012

Relief Under the Greater Solomon


 Let us now examine features of the 72nd Psalm with a view to learning about blessings under the rule of Jesus Christ, the Greater Solomon. (Read Psalm 72:1-4.) This psalm reveals how Jehovah feels about “the princely rule” of his Son, the “Prince of Peace,” Jesus Christ. (Isa. 9:6, 7) Under God’s direction, the Greater Solomon will ‘plead the cause of the afflicted ones and save the sons of the poor one.’ His rule will be one of peace and righteousness. While on earth, Jesus provided a preview of what his coming Thousand Year Reign will accomplish.—Rev. 20:4.

 Consider some of the activities of Jesus Christ that give us a glimpse of what he will do for mankind in fulfillment of Psalm 72. We are rightly impressed with his great compassion for those who were suffering. (Matt. 9:35, 36; 15:29-31) For instance, a man afflicted with leprosy approached Jesus and pleaded: “If you just want to, you can make me clean.” Jesus replied: “I want to. Be made clean.” And the man was healed! (Mark 1:40-42) Later, Jesus met a widow whose only son had died. “Moved with pity,” Jesus said, “Get up!” and her son did so. He was alive again!—Luke 7:11-15.

 Jehovah empowered Jesus to perform miracles. This was illustrated in the case of “a woman subject to a flow of blood twelve years.” Although “she had been put to many pains by many physicians and had spent all her resources,” she actually got worse. The woman entered a crowd and touched Jesus—a violation of the Law for one with a ‘running discharge of blood.’ (Lev. 15:19, 25) Jesus perceived that power had gone out of him and therefore asked who touched him. “Frightened and trembling,” the woman “fell down before him and told him the whole truth.” Realizing that Jehovah had healed the woman, Jesus treated her kindly and said: “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be in good health from your grievous sickness.”—Mark 5:25-27, 30, 33, 34.

 Jesus’ God-given healing powers cured the sick but must also have had a dramatic effect on observers. For instance, many undoubtedly were impressed when they saw Jesus heal people before his famous Sermon on the Mount. (Luke 6:17-19) When John the Baptist sent two messengers to seek confirmation that Jesus was the Messiah, they found Him ‘curing many of sicknesses and grievous diseases and wicked spirits and granting many blind persons the favor of seeing.’ Jesus then told the two: “Report to John what you saw and heard: the blind are receiving sight, the lame are walking, the lepers are being cleansed and the deaf are hearing, the dead are being raised up, the poor are being told the good news.” (Luke 7:19-22) How that message must have encouraged John!

 True, the relief from suffering that Jesus provided during his earthly ministry was only temporary. Those whom he healed or resurrected later died. Yet, the miracles that Jesus performed while on earth were foregleams of the lasting relief humankind will enjoy under his Messianic rule.

Why not check the Scriptures here?


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