
Sunday, January 10, 2010



WHY has the history of "Christianity" been so unchristian?

Many thinking people ask this question, but Jesus answered it almost 2,000 years ago in a parable. He told of "a man that sowed fine seed in his field." Then, "his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat." When the seeds sprouted, the workers noticed the weeds and wanted to pull them up. But the man said: "Let both grow together until the harvest." At harvesttime, the wheat would be separated from the weeds.Matthew 13:24-30.
Jesus, explaining the parable, said that he himself was the one who sowed "fine seed"true Christians. The enemy was Satan, who oversowed "weeds"infiltrating imitation Christians into the congregation.

Jesus allowed the false and the true Christians to exist together”but only until the harvest. Then they would be separated.Matthew 24:36-44.
Hence, we are not surprised when we learn that "Christian" organizations throughout the centuries have dishonored God by adopting pagan doctrines, condoning immorality, supporting wars of conquest, and conducting cruel inquisitions. We recognize in this the bad seed planted by Satan.

However, when we read of individuals who suffered imprisonment or death rather than compromise Bible principles, we see that the good seed was not obliterated.
Jesus said that the harvest was "a conclusion of a system of things." Since we are living in the conclusion of this present world system of things, this must be harvesttime! So a separating must be taking place between true and false Christians. Today, there has to exist a people, not just scattered individuals, who fit Jesus description of true Christians”who are subject to Gods Kingdom and preach the good news about it, who promote Bible-based morality and reject pagan doctrines in favor of Bible truth, who make Gods name manifest and are no part of the world.Matthew 6:33; 24:14; John 3:20; 8:32; 17:6, 16.

We assure you, such a people exists! Do you wish to serve God acceptably? Then seek out this people, and serve God with them.
Time is short.

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