
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Religion-cause of war

Religion-cause of war

The prophet Daniel foretold that ‘the God of heaven would set up a kingdom that would never be brought to ruin.’ This Kingdom, he adds, “will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [worldly governments], and it itself will stand to times indefinite.” (Daniel 2:44) These words reveal that God’s Kingdom will firmly establish its control over all the earth. By eliminating national boundaries, the Kingdom will make rivalries obsolete. Furthermore, since its subjects will be “persons taught by Jehovah,” their peace “will be abundant.” (Isaiah 54:13) No wonder Jesus told us to pray to God: “Let your kingdom come”!—Matthew 6:10.
Removing Religious Obstacles
God will also remove religious obstacles to peace. Religion was behind the longest armed conflict in history—the Crusades, or “Holy Wars,” launched by Pope Urban II in 1095 C.E. In our century the clergy have been prominent in drumming up popular support for wars, even those of an entirely secular nature.
Referring to the role of nominal Christian churches during World War I, historian Paul Johnson wrote: “Clergymen were unable, and for the most part unwilling, to place Christian faith before nationality. Most took the easy way out and equated Christianity with patriotism. Christian soldiers of all denominations were exhorted to kill each other in the name of their Saviour.”
Religion has done more to kindle war than to nurture peace. In fact, the Bible depicts false religion as a “harlot” who panders to the world’s rulers. (Revelation 17:1, 2) God pronounces her the principal culprit responsible for shedding the blood of all those slaughtered on the earth. (Revelation 18:24) Consequently, Jehovah God will eliminate this obstacle to peace once and for all.—Revelation 18:4, 5, 8.
Even with the disappearance of such divisive elements as politics and false religion, peace would never be secure without the removal of the greatest warmonger of all—Satan the Devil. That is the final task that God’s Kingdom will undertake in its program to bring total peace to the earth. The Bible book of Revelation explains that Satan will be “seized” and “bound” and “hurled . . . into the abyss” so that “he might not mislead the nations anymore.” Thereafter he will be destroyed completely.—Revelation 20:2, 3, 10.
The Bible’s promise of an end to war is not an idle dream. Jehovah God’s arrangement for peace has already been set in motion. His Kingdom has been established in the heavens and is poised to carry out further measures to guarantee global peace. Meanwhile, millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses, who support this heavenly government, have learned to live in peace.
Clearly, then, we have sound reasons to believe that wars are not inevitable. Better still, we can look forward to the day near at hand when Jehovah will make warfare cease forever. (
Psalm 46:9) He will see to it that there will soon be a world without war.

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