
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Holy Spirit or the World’s Spirit?


 The provision of holy spirit was not limited to the first century. It is readily available today, and God’s spirit can give us the strength to do what is right as well as energize us in his service. (Rom. 12:11; Phil. 4:13) It can also produce in us tender qualities, such as love, kindness, and goodness, which are aspects of “the fruitage of the spirit.” (Gal. 5:22, 23) However, Jehovah God does not force his holy spirit upon unwilling recipients.

 It would be reasonable, then, for us to ask, ‘What can I do to receive holy spirit?’ Well, the Bible shows that there are a number of things we can do. An important step is quite straightforward—ask God for it. (Read Luke 11:13.) Another useful step is to study and apply the counsel in God’s spirit-inspired Word. (2 Tim. 3:16) Of course, not everyone who simply reads the Bible receives God’s spirit. But when a sincere Christian studies God’s Word, he can absorb the sentiments and outlook reflected in the inspired Word. 

It is also vital that we accept that Jehovah has appointed Jesus as His representative and the one through whom God has provided his spirit. (Col. 2:6) Accordingly, we want to model our lives on Jesus’ example and teachings. (1 Pet. 2:21) The more we strive to be like Christ, the more we will receive holy spirit.

 In contrast, the world’s spirit influences people to reflect Satan’s personality. (Read Ephesians 2:1-3.) The spirit of the world operates in a number of ways. As is evidenced all around us today, it encourages rebellion against God’s standards. It promotes “the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life.” (1 John 2:16) 

It produces fleshly works, such as fornication, idolatry, spiritism, jealousy, fits of anger, and drunkenness. (Gal. 5:19-21) And it fosters apostate speech that violates what is holy. (2 Tim. 2:14-18) Inevitably, the more a person allows himself to be influenced by the spirit of the world, the more like Satan he becomes.

 We cannot live in a spiritual vacuum. Each individual must choose what he will allow to govern his life—holy spirit or the world’s spirit. Those who are now dominated by the spirit of the world can break free from its influence and allow holy spirit to guide their lives. 

However, the opposite is also possible. Those who for a time were led by holy spirit can become ensnared by the spirit of the world. (Phil. 3:18, 19) Let us consider how we can resist the world’s spirit.

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