
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Walk With God


 To many, it is inconceivable that the Creator of our vast universe allows humans to walk with him in a spiritual sense. Yet, that is exactly what Jehovah wants us to do. In Bible times, Enoch and Noah ‘walked with God.’ (Gen. 5:24; 6:9) Moses “continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible.” (Heb. 11:27) King David found himself humbly walking alongside his heavenly Father. He said: “Because [Jehovah] is at my right hand, I shall not be made to totter.”—Ps. 16:8.

 Of course, we cannot literally take Jehovah by the hand and walk with him. But we can do so in a figurative sense. How? The psalmist Asaph writes: “I am constantly with you; you have taken hold of my right hand. With your counsel you will lead me.” (Ps. 73:23, 24) Simply put, we walk with Jehovah when we closely follow his counsel, which we receive primarily through his written Word and through “the faithful and discreet slave.”—Matt. 24:45; 2 Tim. 3:16.

 Because Jehovah cherishes those who walk with him, he keeps his fatherly eye upon them, caring for them, protecting them, and teaching them. “I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go,” God says. “I will give advice with my eye upon you.” (Ps. 32:8) Ask yourself: ‘Do I see myself walking hand in hand with Jehovah, as it were, listening to his wisdom and knowing that his loving eye is upon me? Does my awareness of his presence influence my thoughts, words, and deeds? And when I err, do I see Jehovah, not as a God who is aloof and stern, but as a warm, merciful Father who wants to help repentant ones back into his warm embrace?’—Ps. 51:17.

 At times, Jehovah may come to our aid even before we embark on a wrong course. For instance, he may observe that our potentially treacherous heart begins to desire things that are improper. (Jer. 17:9) In such a situation, he can act even sooner than human parents can because his “beaming eyes” have the ability to look deep inside us, to examine our inmost thoughts. (Ps. 11:4; 139:4; Jer. 17:10)

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