
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Job Held High the Name of Jehovah


“Let the name of Jehovah continue to be blessed.”—JOB 1:21.

MOSES was about 40 years old when he fled from Egypt to escape the wrath of Pharaoh and took up residence in Midian. (Acts 7:23) During his stay in that land, he could have heard of the trials of Job, who was living nearby in the land of Uz. 

Years later, when Moses and the nation of Israel were near Uz toward the end of their wilderness journey, Moses may have learned about Job’s final years. Jewish tradition holds that Moses wrote the book of Job sometime after Job’s death.

 The book of Job strengthens the faith of God’s servants in modern times. In what ways? The narrative opens our eyes to events of far-reaching importance that occurred in heaven and underscores the paramount issue of God’s universal sovereignty. The account of Job also deepens our understanding of what is involved in keeping integrity and helps us to grasp why Jehovah sometimes allows his servants to suffer. 

Furthermore, the book of Job identifies Satan the Devil as Jehovah’s chief Adversary and mankind’s enemy. The book also shows that imperfect humans like Job can remain loyal to Jehovah despite intense testing.

Why not check the Scriptures here? 


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