
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Taking Stock of Job’s Position


 Initially, Job’s wife suffered the same blows that her husband suffered. The loss of her children and the family wealth must have devastated her. It must have hurt her to see her husband suffering a painful disease. She cried out to Job: “Are you yet holding fast your integrity? Curse God and die!” Then, three men arrived—Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar—ostensibly to offer Job comfort. Instead, they used deceptive reasoning and proved to be “troublesome comforters.” For example, Bildad suggested that Job’s children had engaged in wrongdoing and deserved their fate. Eliphaz insinuated that Job’s suffering was punishment for past sins. He even questioned whether those who keep integrity are of any value to God! (Job 2:9, 11; 4:8; 8:4; 16:2; 22:2, 3) 

Under such heavy pressure, Job kept his integrity. True, he could be faulted when he turned to “declaring his own soul righteous rather than God.” (Job 32:2) Still, he remained faithful through it all.

 Next, we read of Elihu, who had also come to visit Job. Elihu first listened to the arguments presented by Job and his three companions. Although younger than the other four men, Elihu showed greater wisdom. He addressed Job considerately, using Job’s personal name. Elihu commended Job for his upright course. But he also said that Job had focused too much on trying to prove his own faultlessness. 

Then Elihu assured Job that serving God faithfully is always worthwhile. (Read Job 36:1, 11.) What a fine example for those who need to offer counsel today! Elihu showed patience, listened carefully, commended where possible, and offered upbuilding counsel.—Job 32:6; 33:32.

 Finally, Job had a truly awe-inspiring visitor! The record says: “Jehovah proceeded to answer Job out of the windstorm.” Using a series of questions, Jehovah kindly but firmly helped Job to correct his thinking. Job willingly accepted the reproof, admitting: “I have become of little account . . . I do repent in dust and ashes.” After Jehovah had spoken to Job, He expressed His anger against the three companions because they had not spoken “what is truthful.” Job was to pray for them. Then “Jehovah himself turned back the captive condition of Job when he prayed in behalf of his companions, and Jehovah began to give in addition all that had been Job’s, in double amount.”—Job 38:1; 40:4; 42:6-10.

Why not check the Scriptures here? 



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