Sábado 16 de abril
El dar testimonio de Jesús es lo que inspira el profetizar (Rev. 19:10).
La única manera de entender las profecías bíblicas —desde la primera declaración profética de Jehová, en Génesis 3:15, hasta las gloriosas visiones del libro de Revelación— es tomando en cuenta el papel que Jesús desempeña como Rey del Reino mesiánico. Esta es la razón por la que las personas que no aceptan a Jesús como el Mesías prometido encuentran desconcertantes muchas profecías de las Escrituras Hebreas. Y también por eso, quienes no reconocen las Escrituras Hebreas, que contienen numerosas profecías mesiánicas, ven a Jesús tan solo como un gran hombre, no como el Mesías. Si el pueblo de Dios ha podido descifrar las profecías que faltan por cumplirse, es gracias a que comprende con claridad quién es Jesús (2 Cor. 1:20).
Saturday, April 16
The bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying.—Rev. 19:10.
From Jehovah’s first prophetic declaration, recorded at Genesis 3:15, to the glorious visions of the book of Revelation, Bible prophecies can be correctly understood only when the role of Jesus in connection with the Messianic Kingdom is taken into consideration. That explains why many of the prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures are puzzling to those who do not accept Jesus as the promised Messiah. It also explains why Jesus appears to be no more than a great man to those who do not value the Hebrew Scriptures, which contain many Messianic prophecies. Knowledge of Jesus gives God’s people the key to unlocking the meaning of Bible prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled.—2 Cor. 1:20.
Examining the Bible Scriptures Daily, Such instructions gave Jesus ‘the tongue of the taught ones’ so that he would ‘know how to answer the tired one with a word.’ (Isa. 30:20; 50:4; Matt. 11:28-30) Being awakened to timely counsel from the Word of God each morning will not only help you to cope with your own problems but also equip you with ‘the tongue of the taught ones’ to help others.”
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- jessie
- Christian view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, absolute truth, beneficial for teaching and disciplining mankind.
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