
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Determined to Bear Thorough Witness


“He ordered us to preach to the people and to give a thorough witness.”—ACTS 10:42.

THE Italian army officer assembled his relatives and friends for what became a turning point in God’s dealings with humans. That God-fearing man was Cornelius. The apostle Peter told the group that the apostles were ordered “to preach to the people and to give a thorough witness” about Jesus. Peter’s witness bore abundant fruit. Uncircumcised Gentiles received God’s spirit, were baptized, and came in line to be kings in heaven with Jesus. What an outcome of Peter’s bearing thorough witness!—Acts 10:22, 34-48.

 That was in 36 C.E. About two years earlier, a fervent opposer of Christianity had a life-changing experience. Saul of Tarsus was on his way to Damascus when Jesus appeared to him and said: “Enter into the city, and what you must do will be told you.” Jesus assured the disciple Ananias that Saul would bear witness “to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel.” (Read Acts 9:3-6, 13-20.) 

When with Saul, Ananias said: “The God of our forefathers has chosen you . . . because you are to be a witness for him to all men.” (Acts 22:12-16) How seriously did Saul, later known as Paul, take the assignment to bear witness?

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