
Monday, June 20, 2011

“Jehovah Knows How to Deliver People”


 David was just one of many worshippers for whom Jehovah provided escape in Bible times. Since David’s time, God has time and again demonstrated the truthfulness of the apostle Peter’s words: “Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial.” (2 Pet. 2:9) Consider two more examples.

 When the mighty Assyrian army invaded Judah and threatened Jerusalem in the eighth century B.C.E., King Hezekiah prayed: “O Jehovah our God, save us . . . that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, O Jehovah, are God alone.” (Isa. 37:20) 

Hezekiah’s main concern was God’s name and reputation. Jehovah answered that fervent prayer. In just one night, a single angel struck down 185,000 Assyrians, providing deliverance for Jehovah’s faithful servants.—Isa. 37:32, 36.

 Just days before his death, Jesus gave a prophetic warning for the benefit of his disciples in Judea. (Read Luke 21:20-22.) Decades passed, but in 66 C.E., a Jewish revolt brought Roman forces against Jerusalem. The legions under Cestius Gallus succeeded in undermining part of the temple wall; then they suddenly withdrew. Recognizing this as an opportunity to escape the destruction that Jesus had foretold, faithful Christians fled to the mountains. 

The Roman legions returned in 70 C.E. This time they did not withdraw, and Jerusalem was completely destroyed. The Christians who had heeded Jesus’ warning escaped that terrible calamity.—Luke 19:41-44.

 It is faith-strengthening to reflect on the evidence that Jehovah helps his people. What he did in the past gives us basis for confidence. No matter what challenges we may be facing now or may yet encounter in the future, we too can put full trust in Jehovah as our “Provider of escape.” How, though, may Jehovah provide us with escape?

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