
Friday, January 15, 2010


At the conclusion of the six creative days, each being thousands of years long, in the Bible we are told that God declared that what He had created after each day was "very good" . Importantly, this has not been said of the seventh day, as we are still in it.

1. God creates the earth; his purpose is to have it inhabited full of happy people who will never die. (This is still his purpose).

2. Man rejects God's rule, therefore God's universal sovereignty had been challenged. God allows man to rule himself. Satan and man is now ruling the earth.

3. The issue raised is, Who has the right to rule and whose rule is right? Time is needed to decide the issue.

4. God sends prophets to give direction to people, most reject them so God sends his Son the Messiah who was rejected and killed.

5. Son resurrected to heaven to await his kingship to be given him in due time from his Father.

6. Received the kingdom (which is a government) in 1914.

7. Jesus's first act was to cleanse the heavens of Satan and his demonic followers.

8. Satan and his demons now confined to the earth, bringing increase lawlessness and badness to mankind.

9. God blamed for increased wars and lawlessness on earth, bringing reproach on God and many turn away from God.

10. Search continued with intensity to identify and collect the co-rulers of the kingdom government, which will rule over the earth.

11. Search for the "meek of the earth" who make up the basis for the new earthly society who submit to the kingdom rule.

12. Very close at hand - the destruction of all false religion, who continue to misrepresent God.

13. Armageddon (God's war to remove all the wicked and all opposers to His kingdom, including all earthly governments).

14. Armageddon brings vindication of God's right-to-rule and the sanctification of His great name, Jehovah.

15. Survivors of Armageddon will turn the earth into a paradise in preparation for the resurrection to take place on the earth.

16. After one thousand years of rule under Christ Jesus as King of the kingdom, the earth will be handed back to his Father, Jehovah God.

17. The seventh day will be complete. God's purpose will be fulfilled as the earth will be full of happy people who will never die.

18. "After that God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good".

With regard to the above, if you would like the Scriptures which clarify any of the above statements, please feel free

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