
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mat. 28:19—Matt. 28:19.

Domingo 26 de septiembre
Vayan, por lo tanto, y hagan discípulos (Mat. 28:19).
“Llevo once semanas dando clases de la Biblia a una familia pakistaní y hemos entablado una bonita amistad —escribió una hermana que sirve en un grupo de habla hindi de Estados Unidos—. Se me saltan las lágrimas tan solo de pensar que pronto regresarán a su país y ya no podré disfrutar de su agradable compañía. Ha sido un verdadero placer enseñarles la verdad acerca de Jehová.” Y usted, ¿ha sentido alguna vez la alegría de dirigir un estudio bíblico? Jesús y sus seguidores disfrutaron muchísimo en la obra de hacer discípulos. Cuando los 70 discípulos a los que él había preparado regresaron entusiasmados contando lo que habían hecho, el propio Jesús “se llenó de gran gozo en el espíritu santo” (Luc. 10:17-21). Hoy día hay muchísimas personas a las que les encanta participar en esta obra.
Sunday, September 26
Go therefore and make disciples.—Matt. 28:19.
“I have been studying with a family from Pakistan for the past 11 weeks,” wrote a sister who is serving with a Hindi-speaking group in the United States. “Needless to say,” she continues, “we have become friends. Tears well up in my eyes as I think about this family going back to Pakistan soon. My tears are prompted not only by the sorrow I feel at the loss of their company but also by the joy I’ve experienced while teaching them about Jehovah.” Have you, like this sister, ever experienced the joy that comes from studying the Bible with someone? Jesus and his first-century disciples found great joy in the disciple-making work. When the 70 disciples whom Jesus had trained returned with a joyful report, Jesus himself became “overjoyed in the holy spirit.” (Luke 10:17-21) Similarly, many today find great joy in making disciples. 

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Christian view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, absolute truth, beneficial for teaching and disciplining mankind.