Know That the End Is Near.
Jehovah’s people are not fearful. One of the signs of the last days is found at Matt 24:7 (happening in one place after another). Events are happening with growing intensity and magnitude.
We are going to look at four key areas – world events, attitudes, political circumstances and finally, activity.
World events. Matt 24:7. “Nation against nation”. People say, “we’ve always had wars”, or “governments do their best to avoid conflict”, and even “it isn’t that bad”. Let us consider some events, first of all, food shortages. According to the U.N. one billion people are going hungry and it is the first time in history that we have had so many hungry people. Earthquakes – more today are affected by earthquakes than before. One of the reasons for this is that more people are living in earthquake zones. Luke 21:11 regarding pestilences. AIDS, cancer, Sars, T.B. and now we can add swine flu to the list. Despite medical advances they occur in one place after another. It is wrong to live in denial that these things are taking place.
Attitudes. (Matt 24:12). The love of the greater number is foretold to cool off. This means love for God and His Word, the Bible. The home was formerly a place of tranquillity but now it isn’t. for many, it is no longer a haven. Violence is sweeping through all levels of society.
Political circumstances and national divisions. We are living in the time of the feet of clay and iron of Daniel’s image. There is a weakening of iron-like governments and they are becoming more fragile.
Activity and condition of God’s people in the final part of the days. Matt 24:34. What is “this generation”? It is the anointed as a class since 1914, therefore the anointed as a class make up this generation. A generation is people of various ages whose lives overlap. The anointed will see the end of this system (a generation has a beginning and an end). Matt 24:33. People know there are wars, pestilences etc. occurring around the world yet they carry on with their everyday lives. As challenging as it may be, we must prove ourselves ready.
World events. Matt 24:7. “Nation against nation”. People say, “we’ve always had wars”, or “governments do their best to avoid conflict”, and even “it isn’t that bad”. Let us consider some events, first of all, food shortages. According to the U.N. one billion people are going hungry and it is the first time in history that we have had so many hungry people. Earthquakes – more today are affected by earthquakes than before. One of the reasons for this is that more people are living in earthquake zones. Luke 21:11 regarding pestilences. AIDS, cancer, Sars, T.B. and now we can add swine flu to the list. Despite medical advances they occur in one place after another. It is wrong to live in denial that these things are taking place.
Attitudes. (Matt 24:12). The love of the greater number is foretold to cool off. This means love for God and His Word, the Bible. The home was formerly a place of tranquillity but now it isn’t. for many, it is no longer a haven. Violence is sweeping through all levels of society.
Political circumstances and national divisions. We are living in the time of the feet of clay and iron of Daniel’s image. There is a weakening of iron-like governments and they are becoming more fragile.
Activity and condition of God’s people in the final part of the days. Matt 24:34. What is “this generation”? It is the anointed as a class since 1914, therefore the anointed as a class make up this generation. A generation is people of various ages whose lives overlap. The anointed will see the end of this system (a generation has a beginning and an end). Matt 24:33. People know there are wars, pestilences etc. occurring around the world yet they carry on with their everyday lives. As challenging as it may be, we must prove ourselves ready.
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